Returns the memory information of the device.
$m.getMemStat(function(response) { var result = response.result; juci.controls.get("app-memory").value(result[$m.MEM_APP]); juci.controls.get("tot-int-memory").value(result[$m.MEM_INT_TOT]); juci.controls.get("avl-int-memory").value(result[$m.MEM_INT_AVL]); juci.controls.get("tot-ext-memory").value(result[$m.MEM_EXT_TOT]; juci.controls.get("avl-ext-memory").value(result[$m.MEM_EXT_AVL]); }); |
function (optional)
Function to execute when the device memory is read. The function receives the response object with the following properties,
- result - {Object}. Devide meory contains the following properties
- $m.MEM_APP - {String}. Application memory.
- $m.MEM_EXT_AVL - {String}. Free external memory.
- $m.MEM_INT_AVL - {String}. Free internal memory.
- $m.MEM_EXT_TOT - {String}. Total external memory.
- $m.MEM_INT_TOT - {String}. Total internal memory.
- error - {Object}. Available when the code is 0. The error object contains,
- message - {String}. A short description of the error.
- description - {String}. A detailed description of the error.