
daterange controls enables user to pick a range of dates, i.e. from date to date. The calendar is opened after user taps on the control.

  • Extends basecontrol
  • Syntax

    <div data-juci="daterange" 
    	data-label="Vacation duration" placeholder="Choose a date" 
    	data-from-label="Starting from" data-from-placeholder="Pick a starting date" 
    	data-from-placeholder="Pick a ending date" data-to-label="Till">
    The default return value for daterange control is an Array of Date objects of containing two elements. The first date is the from date, the second is the to date.


    • data-from-placeholder {String}
      A string with the placeholder for from date.
    • data-to-label {String}
      A string with the label for to date.
    • data-to-placeholder {String}
      A string with the placeholder for to date.
    • data-juci {String}
      A string with value daterange.
    • data-from-label {String}
      A string with the label for from date.