
actionbar creates a footer based control with buttons,i.e. actions to listen to. Triggers polyfill to enable internal scrolling for the panel which the actionbar is attached to.

  • Extends basecontrol
  • Syntax

    <div data-juci="actionbar" 
    	data-buttons="back: 'images/undo.png', add: 'images/plus.png', refresh: 'images/spin.png', info: 'images/info.png'"
    <div data-juci="actionbar" data-handler="actionBarHandler">
    	<button class="juci_actionbar_button" data-action="back"><img src="images/undo.png"></button>
    	<button class="juci_actionbar_button" data-action="add"><img src="images/plus.png"></button>
    	<button class="juci_actionbar_button" data-action="refresh"><img src="images/spin.png"></button>
    	<button class="juci_actionbar_button" data-action="info"><img src="images/info.png"></button>
    	<button class="juci_actionbar_button" data-action="info"><img src="images/info.png"></button>
    Beta feature. APIs and functionalities are subject to change.


    • data-juci {String}
      A string with value actionbar.


    • addButton(action, img, index)
      Adds an action button to the actionbar at the specified index.
      • action
        {String} Name of the action
      • index
        {Number} Index at which the button needs to be added
      • img
        {String} Image url to the action
    • addClickListener(action, handler, context)
      Adds a listener for an action
      • action
        {String} Name of the action
      • handler
        {Function} A handler function to execute when the action is chosen.
      • context{Object} Optional
        Context in which the handler function should execute.
    • removeButton(action)
      Removes the action button related to the action
      • action
        {String} Name of the action
    • removeClickListener(action, handler, context)
      Removes a listener for an action
      • action
        {String} Name of the action
      • handler
        {Function} A handler function to execute when the action is chosen.
      • context{Object} Optional
        Context in which the handler function should execute.