
A list of items with a statistic(Number) shown in a contrasting format with a title.

  • Extends xlist
  • Syntax

    <div data-juci="statlist" data-bind="ref: contents" data-stat="count" data-title="name"
    			data-stat-css="{juci_green: count() >= 10 && count() < 50,
    				juci_red: count() > 250,
    				juci_orange: count() <= 100 && count() > 50}"
    juci.addDataset("contents", [
    		{"name": "IKEA Gold Cartons", "count": 70},
    		{"name": "PepsiCo(7Up) Cartons", "count": 10},
    		{"name": "Amulya Rice Bags", "count": 5},
    		{"name": "Vilasya Toolkit Boxes", "count": 100},
    		{"name": "Indigo Nation Boxes", "count": 450}


    • data-flag-css {String}
      CSS class for the stat. See css expression binding
    • data-stat {String}
      Name of reference or an expression with the reference, defined using juci#addDataset. Creates a stat for each item based on with the return value of the expression as the content.
    • data-juci {String}
      A string with value statlist.


    • onStatClick(handler, context)
      Registers a handler function to call when the statlist#event:statclick event fires.
      • handler{Function}
        A handler function to execute when the event fires.
      • context{Object} Optional
        Context in which the handler function should execute.