
The checkbox control allows the user to switch between two states. Refer juci#checkboxgroup to display a set of options to user and allow the user to select one or more from them.

  • Extends basecontrol
  • Syntax

    <div data-juci="checkbox" data-label="Check me"></div>
    <div data-juci="checkbox" data-label="Checked initially" data-value="true"></div>
    <div data-juci="checkbox" data-label="Checked initially" data-bind="ref: true"></div>
    <div data-juci="checkbox" data-label="Data bound" data-bind="ref: checkbox"></div>


    • data-juci {String}
      A string with value checkbox.
    • data-unchecked {String|Number|Boolean}
      A string or numerical value of the control when it is off state.
    • data-checked {String|Number|Boolean}
      A string or numerical value of the control when it is on state.