
Observable for custom event library


  • bind(eventName, handler, context, bListenOnce)
    Registers a handler to be called when eventName fires.
    • bListenOnce{@ignore}
    • handler{Function}
      A handler function to execute when the event fires.
    • context{Object} Optional
      Context in which the handler function should execute.
    • eventName{String}
      A string containing the name of the event.
  • listenOnce(eventName, handler, context)
    Registers a one time handler to be called when eventName fires. It is automatically removed after the first time the event fires.
    • eventName{String}
      A string containing the name of the event.
    • handler{Function}
      A handler function to execute when the event fires.
    • context{Object} Optional
      Context in which the handler function should execute.
  • unbind(eventName, handler, context)
    Unregisters a handler for eventName.
    • eventName{String}
      A string containing the name of the event.
    • handler{Function}
      A handler function to execute when the event fires.
    • context{Object} Optional
      Context in which the handler function should execute.